Happily living a simple life, exploring the great outdoors with my husband and our 2 amazing girls. I'm a Shutterbug-constantly taking pictures and have had a real camera in my hand since I was 12 years old! I love to cook, craft, bake, travel and help people! I've been told I'm a "Jane of all trades" but I usually refer to myself as having Creativity A.D.D. This blog will consist mostly of recipes and foodie posts, but occasionally I come across an organizing idea or DIY post I just can't resist sharing!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Baby, you're a firework!

       As I've previously stated (Same time last year!) I'm pretty much in love with Independence Day...it is the ultimate display of patriotism and wraps up everything that is Summer, American, and Family fun, I love it! Our 4th of July weekend is always packed full of food, fun, family, friends, and fireworks, and this year was no exception...we went to 3 separate fireworks displays, enjoyed a great cookout or two, baked and ate tons of fun "4th of July food" i.e. Star cutout brownies, miniature apple and cherry pies with star cutout crusts, and star cutout watermelon!! (Okay, so I went a little crazy with the cookie cutter this year, but hey-they were all smashing successes and everyone ate them up! I'm a firm believer that the more fun food is, the better it tastes!) Oh, add to the list of great 4th of July foods: Deep Fried Pickles! One of the local displays also had a carnival set up with fair food-brilliant!
*warning: Another pic heavy post-maybe I should just add a disclaimer in my blog description "A blog full of pic heavy posts..."and cover them all!

The Food: 

The fun, family, and friends:

Our little matchy-match family on the 4th of July ♥

And the Grand Finale....THE FIREWORKS!
(Okay, the first 3 photos are not fireworks, but they were taken while waiting on the display to begin!)

We couldn't see the American Flag during the National Anthem, so this gentleman borrowed his daughter's and proudly displayed one for us all to salute! Thank you, kind Sir! It was greatly appreciated, and very patriotic of you! God Bless the U.S.A!

And finally, the 2nd place winner of the Best of BOOM photo contest and the $1,000 photo: 

John Adams wrote to his wife, saying Independence Day will be "The most memorable epoch in the history of America." "I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more." I concur, John Adams, I concur.